Gold price projections in June 2020

Following the model developed by the AXL Capital Management team, this report provides the projected levels of gold prices for June 2020. For June 2020, the model indicates a lower limit of 1,640US$/0z and an upper limit of 1,812 US$/Oz. This upper limit continues to increase will see if, in the coming months, it can indicate a trend. The U.S. economy is following its recovery plan, and New York - the state with the highest number of COVID-19 infections - has also entered its first phase of economic recovery. With the U.S. employment data and the growing number of people infected -and dying- by COVID19, we will see in the coming weeks if Gold can reach the upper limit of the AXL Capital model: 1,812 US$/Oz or on the contrary, it is close to the lower limit; 1,640 US$/Oz. The economic reopening and a resurgence of the virus crown correlate, in the short term, indirectly and directly, respectively, with the prices of Gold. Likewise, in the last two weeks, there has b...