The economy in times of coronavirus

The Holistic vision by the Engineer Roque Benavides is a very clear explanation of speak of the Economy in times of virus crown and giving the structured approach as the vision of containment, reactivation, Investment with economic, social development, respect for the environment and health care for the workers.

@Roque_Benavides: The coronashock is unprecedented.

Characteristics of the crisis:

  • Abrupt shock in productive capacity that immediately passes to the financial markets.  
  • Fast and severe: The collapse in the markets (of the equity market and debt) occurred in three weeks.
  • Simultaneous recession in developed and emerging economies.

Key characteristics of a scenario for the year 2020:

  • Until after winter, restrictions on some economic activities and the free movement of people.
  • Fiscal response to the crisis equivalent to or more than 3% of GDP.
  • The economic balances of companies and families significantly affected.
  • High credit risk.
  • Deterioration in the situation of financial institutions, but without generalized crises.
  • Confidence to invest and consumer confidence at record lows.

Difficult times for the business environment:

  • Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Peruvian economy faces an unprecedented shock in its nature and magnitude.
  • In March, GDP contracted around -20%, compared to March 2019, which will generate a -5% drop in 1Q2020.
  • The contraction of economic activity in 2020 is likely to be severe and lasting (about -5% in the year).
  • The depreciation of the Peruvian Sol, against the dollar, will be limited, and long-term financing costs will return to their average of the last five years (6%).

Due to all this that is happening in the world, the impact on the financial market, and the economic conflicts that came up from the collapse of stocks, debt, and why not, also say some prices of commodities, from there it begins to see an impact on Peru.

The price of copper, for example, which is very important in Peru was also affected. However, the price of gold is a refuge metal in times of crisis.


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